Smoking Tolerance Level
[1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4
Marijuana Laws & Legislation for Stockholm
As of February 2025, cannabis remains illegal in Sweden for both recreational and medical purposes. The country enforces a zero-tolerance policy toward cannabis use, and possession of even small amounts is a criminal offense. Individuals found with cannabis can face penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment, depending on the quantity and circumstances.
Sweden’s stringent stance extends to medical cannabis, which is generally not permitted. Exceptions exist for specific pharmaceutical products like Sativex and Epidyolex, which are approved for certain medical conditions. However, access to these medications is highly restricted and requires a prescription from a specialist. The cultivation, sale, and possession of cannabis without proper authorization are strictly prohibited, reflecting Sweden’s commitment to its conservative drug policies.
Law Enforcement:
Police will confiscate any cannabis found, and in most cases they will prosecute. Under 18s caught with cannabis are normally just given a warning, but if you get a strict cop, then they will take you down.
Where to buy Marijuana in Stockholm:
The south city, sodermalm… the place to be. The train stations there on a friday night are often a easy place to pick up. Watch for police as drunken swedes get quite aggressive so police are always around the corner. NEVER EVER EVER try and buy at plattan or sergelstorg. Its heroin junkies selling bad qualtiy gear mixed with chemicals. and theres alot of police around.
and also : “In Stockholm at the main square “sergels torg” which most people call it “plattan” there are heroinjunkies always trying to fool newbies buying. The arablooking guys and the white often put candy in aluminum foil and a small piece bad hash at one end.
Mariatorget, Fridhemsplan and Stadion have also been reported as good spots.
If you don’t want to risk the cops on Stockholm’s streets, another widely-known, berserker booze spot where visitors could probably indulge in plenty of other goodies is the overnight ferry between Stockholm and Finland.”
and: “I just want to add two more places where you buy: “Rinkeby torg” and “Medborgarplatsen”. These places are, acording to the police, half open markets.”
and also: “There is a reggae bar called “Sderkllaren” it is verry near the Substation Medborgarplatsen.
There are always a lot of smokers in that bar, just ask one of the rastas if they have some Mary Jane or if they know anyone that have it. just be shure that they don’t think that you are 5-0
During the summer it is very very easy to get some Mary Jane just ask someone that looks like a smoker. Try to ask a rastaman or a someone that looks like a “hip hoper” they will help you try to ask when they are drunk ;)… DON’T EVER PAY MORE THEN 500 Swe kr if they tell you to pay more are they trying to fool you! But you can tell them that you will give them a bud or to join smoking a spliff , they will help you even faster”
Stockholm Marijuana Prices:
Latest Info says: 400 SEK for 5g of hash 500 SEK for 5g of weed, some good will go for 600 SEK
Hashish: 100SEK – 200SEK /gram (soap bar = 5gram/300SEK all year)
Bud: 70SEK – 300SEK/gram (300 is for top buds, white widow and super skunk)
100SEK = Β£8 = $16
and also: “Hashish goes for as little as the equivalent of $6, or as much as $30, per gram. Pot sells at around $16 for an eighth of an ounce.”
The hash is marock. in the summer some afgani hash is around but not much. The stadarn buds are medium quality hybrids or indicas. sativas are not so common. White Widow, Nothern Lights, Bubblegum and blueberry are sold if you know the right people. spend a couple of weeks collecting contacts and you will have acsess to them, high prices though.
and also: “Bad brown marock is available nearly everywhere, buds are harder to obtain if you don’t know the grower, it never sells on the street.
In the summer the hash is top quality, but during the winter the quality is not so good.
Quality and quantity differ a lot. ‘Five grams’ could easily end up being three grams. Quality is either really good or pure shit”
More Information
There are not true headshops in stockholm, but you can buy bongs in a shop called le mirage on ‘gamla stan’ (the old town)
Country: Sweden
Time Zone: UTC/GMT +1 hours
Dialing codes: + 46 (Sweden) + 8
WeBeHigh city tale:
Thanks to a government crackdown on drugs that has lasted decades, alcohol is the most common way to get loose among Swedes. Greater Stockholm is a city built on an archipelago of small islands whose 1.7 million residents gorge themselves on fish – poached, pickled and fried. They also have an old-time fisherman’s taste for booze. Strong local beers, as well as wine and liquor, are sold by the state-owned Systembolaget outlets, which are widespread and open on weekdays. Customers take a number, and Friday afternoon lines are long. But while it is the most popular and prevalent, alcohol certainly isn’t the sole party favour in Sweden’s capital.
“In the summer the hash is top quality, but during the winter the quality is not so good,” said a tourist named Kevin. “Quality and quantity differ a lot. ‘Five grams’ could easily end up being three grams. Quality is either really good or pure shit.” Hashish goes for as little as the equivalent of $6, or as much as $30, per gram. Pot sells at around $16 for an eighth of an ounce. A smoker named Rich said hash was easier to obtain than marijuana, adding that buyers often get homegrown bud “with bad quality.” “Big risk for rip-offs when you buy in the streets in Sweden if you don’t know what you’re doing,” he said.
Ecstasy, found most often in the city’s dance clubs, sells for between $26 and $35 for one pill. LSD microdots can go for only two dollars per hit, while speed is around $33 for a gram. Common spots to buy include Mariatorget, Fridhemsplan and Stadion. While many said soft drugs were also easy to get at the central subway station, Kevin warned against it.
“Don’t go downtown to central station,” Kevin said. “They’ll rip you off because they’re all heroin addicts collecting money for their next fix.” While the major subway stops are widely known as places to locate dealers, buyers should take care. Sweden is very serious about its anti-drug laws. “All drug use, possession, acquisition, and trafficking are crimes and are punishable under Swedish law,” stated a report by marijuana advocate group NORML. “Setting up a contact between a dealer and consumer is also punishable by law.”
The Swedish judicial system divides narcotics offences into minor, simple and aggravated categories based on the amount of drugs involved – regardless of whether there was intent to sell. Those convicted of minor offences can get up to six months in jail. Simple offences carry a three-year sentence, while aggravated convictions garner at least two and a possible 10 years in prison. “Sweden has one of the harshest drugs policies in the world,” wrote journalist Danny Rosenbaum. “In many countries, including Britain, it is common for people in possession of cannabis to face only a caution. In Sweden, however, offenders are always prosecuted.”
Sweden has been strengthening its drug laws since the 1970s, making it more and more legally difficult to take a hit. The country’s lawmakers in 1988 made it illegal to consume any type of narcotic. That includes marijuana, and in 1994 a policy of prosecuting all pot possession cases took effect. Police can give urine and blood tests if they even suspect drug use.
But one traveller thinks that relaxed drug laws could do Swedish society some good. “Having seen almost inarticulate, expressionless, broomstick-up-the-ass stiff Swedes turn into bellowing, Viking berserkers slam-dancing in their own vomit – your typical late Friday night subway train in Stockholm – after drinking excessively; I would almost prefer to see grass nudge out booze as the social, recreational drug of choice,” said Latvian traveller Juris Kaza.
If you don’t want to risk the cops on Stockholm’s streets, another widely-known, berserker booze spot where visitors could probably indulge in plenty of other goodies is the overnight ferry between Stockholm and Finland.
“Typically, one takes an evening ferry, departing around 8 p.m. and arriving in Turku [Finland] the next morning around 8 a.m.,” explained Dennis, one of a trio who experienced the boat trip. “The conventional approach for a Scandinavian battling winter depression is to take the opportunity to party all night on tax-free booze, hang out on the boat for a few hours and then take it back to Stockholm without setting foot in Turku. The travel agent was surprised that we wanted to spend the day and come back on the evening ferry.” One tourist found the ferry so entertaining he didn’t even bother to get off and check out the Swedish party scene. “The reason you take the ferry to Stockholm is duty-free vodka, duty-free beer and to party,” said Ken Cook, who was coming from Finland. “No need to get off the boat in Stockholm, just turn around and do it again on the way back to Finland.”