Sheperdstown, WV, West Virginia
Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4.5
Legislation: Possession of marijuana is punishable by 90 days – 6 months in jail and a fine up to $1,000. Possession with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance is a felony and can result in imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than five years, or a fine of fifteen thousand dollars, or both.
Conviction of possession of less than 15 grams triggers an automatic conditional discharge. Conditional discharge does not apply to a defendant who has previously been convicted of any offense relating to narcotic drugs or marijuana.
If you are caught with under 2 grams of marijuana you will receive a 250 dollar simple posession ticket and a court date. if you are caught with over 12 grams on you your looking at 1-5 in jail.
Law enforcement: The Local Law Enforcement isn’t very well paid or well-trained and won’t go out of their way to arrest some one for smoking pot. Just exercise discretion and you will be fine.
Where to buy marijuana: The Lost Dog coffee shop is the best place to get a hookup. Most of the ppl sitting in front of it will be able to either hook you up or point you in the right direction. Or Tony’s Pizza.
Note: do not just ask straight out because you will get your ass kicked. Get into a conversation and when they seem cool with you then ask.
Marijuana prices: middies- $25 an 1/8th High end dank- $40 an 1/8th
More information: Buying weed in Shepherdstown is easier if you have a local friend but isn’t impossible. In short every one is pretty Chill and this is the local weed center in Jefferson county.