Smoking Tolerance Level
[1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 2
Marijuana Laws & Legislation for Scranton
In Pennsylvania, medical marijuana is legal, allowing registered patients to possess up to a 30-day supply, as determined by their recommending physician. Home cultivation is not permitted. Recreational use remains illegal, with possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis considered a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of up to $500. CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are legal in Pennsylvania. This summary provides up-to-date marijuana laws for Pennsylvania as of 2025.
Please note that marijuana laws are subject to change. For the most current information, consult your state’s official resources or legal counsel.
Law Enforcement
Cops will grab you for anything. If caught you will go to central booking and be held for 48hrs.
Where to buy marijuana:
Look for younger dudes near the University on a weekend night, the basketball courts, or downtown near the mall.. Try to talk to em for a few minutes; If its a U.C. they’ll be extremely rude and walk away (one actually told me he was a cop before I mentioned weed and that I was interfering with an ‘ongoing drug surveilliance’) You’re best bet is the hit up Mulberry St. on a Friday or Saturday night and try to bust a party; It’ll be readily availiable in there (As will free alcohol).
Marijuana Prices
Depending on what you get $10 – $30 a gram. $50 – 70 for a half $90 – $300 per oz.. rest is really dependant on who the dealer is and what the stock is like.
Marijuana Brands
Schwagg, Downtown Brown, Mids, AZ, Haze, & Dro, but again it depends on the time of year, the dealer your talking to, and the stock on hand.
More Information
Southside & Westside watch for police; recently the areas got really hot and the city has increased patrols in those districts. Downtown, Eastside, & North you should be Ok. Up North be on the watch for white dealers as they usually sell gahhhbage.