Smoking Tolerance Level
[1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4
Marijuana Laws & Legislation for Samara
Marijuana is illegal for recreational use in Costa Rica, but medical cannabis has been legalized as of 2022. Cannabis laws in Costa Rica allow patients to access cannabis-based treatments for specific medical conditions, such as chronic pain and certain neurological disorders. Cannabis cultivation for personal medical use is permitted with a license. While recreational marijuana remains prohibited, the country’s medical cannabis program is rapidly expanding, and Costa Rica is seen as a leader in marijuana reform in Central America. Further reforms regarding recreational use could be discussed in the future as public opinion on cannabis continues to evolve.
Please note that marijuana laws are subject to change. For the most current information, consult your countries official resources or legal counsel.
Law Enforcement
There is one police station in Samara with only a few officers. It is located right near the main entrance to the beach. The police looked content sitting outside all day doing nothing, and did not seem to be on the lookout for stoner tourists.
Where to buy marijuana in Samara:
Right at the entrance to the beach you are bound to find some surfers or rastas that are willing to point you in the right direction or offer you some on the spot. Walk away from the police station along the beach and you will also find a discotech which is generally pretty busy on the right nights, and a seaside bar with a few pool tables. Hang out here at night and you will definitely be offered weed by more than a few people.
Samara marijuana prices:
30-40= 1/2 oz. 60-80= 1 oz
More Information
The weed is nothing special, comparable to most central american weed. It was brick packed, slightly strings/stemy, kinda wet, and dark green in color.