Smoking Tolerance Level
[1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4.5
Marijuana Laws & Legislation for Koh Phangan
Thailand has made significant progress in marijuana legalization in recent years. As of 2025, medical cannabis is legal, and the country has one of the most progressive cannabis laws in Southeast Asia. Thailand legalized medical marijuana in 2018, and patients with a prescription can access cannabis-based treatments for various medical conditions, including chronic pain and cancer. Cannabis cultivation for medical purposes is also allowed, with strict regulations in place. However, recreational marijuana remains illegal, and the government continues to enforce laws against the public use of marijuana. While cannabis decriminalization has been discussed in Thailand, recreational use is still prohibited, and the government is working to expand medical access and regulation.
Please note that marijuana laws are subject to change. For the most current information, consult your countries official resources or legal counsel.
Law Enforcement
It’s easy to find weed in Koh Phangan. It’s the party island of Thailand and drugs is all around. Watch out though. You could be in serious trouble if you get caught by the wrong cop. Mostly you can get away with a bribe. This could vary between Thai Bath 10,000 and 25,000.
Where to Buy Marijuana in Koh Phangan:
Just northwest of Tongsala you find a little town called Woktum. There is a place there called Amst*rdam Bar. It’s great and has the best sunset on the island and probably the world. Another good place to buy is also in the north called the Reggea Bar and is in Salad Beach. In the partytown Haddrin it’s also around, but you will pay more then at other places.
Another report added: The main beach where the full moon dance party is held on Haadrin has a little bar that sells weed. It’s all the way at the far end of the beach (to the left if you are facing the water). It’s located high up on the cliffs so you have to walk up lots of stairs to get to it. When I asked at the bar they sold me a bag with perhaps 5g or more of commercial grade pot for only 500 bat. There were people smoking spliffs openly in the bar.
Otherwise, what many people do is ask the owner of the guesthouse they are staying in for weed. It will take a little while for them to get it, but many are willing to sell it. One beach guesthouse I stayed at even had bongs that the owner allowed people to use. But there’s also a rumor that some guesthouse owners may tip you off to the corrupt police, who might bust into your room and shake you down for a bribe to keep you out of jail for the pot they find.
Koh Phangan Marijuana Prices:
Prices vary between 500 and 1000 Bath for a package containing 5 to 10 grams of good Thai weed. Watch out though. They could have weed that has a high chemical level, because of used chemicals in the production process.
More information:
If you want to get some good prices don’t stay in Haadrin. Rent a motorcycle and drive north…