Gainesville, FL, Florida
Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4
Legislation: Possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Possession of greater than 20 grams of marijuana is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.
Law Enforcement: Most of the local authorities are pretty chill with marijuana. They are more focused on the city’s crime and cocaine problem. Dont be a dumbass though, any officer in the state of Florida will be happy to arrest a stoner. Don’t have any pre-weighed sacks because even if its under 20 grams they will get you for intent to distribute.
and also: “Don’t mess with UPD (Univeristy of Florida’s campus police department). They tend to be more active in patrolling and more willing to waste their time on small time potheads.”
Where to buy marijuana in Gainesville, FL: Gainesville is known for its availability of good herb. Downtown by the UF campus is a good place to look for friendly stoners who will more than likely be happy to find you some herb.
A recent report we received is: “Majestic Oaks you might get mugged. Chill around the tattoo parlors on university and use your pothead senses to pick someone out.”
and also: “15th street , porters oats , lincoln estates , lake road. really any where!!!!!! the best weed is always in the hood , so take the chance and pray you dont get robbed. chances are that if you want some weed and you got the funds , you’ll get what you want.”
and :”Starbucks on 16th street has some pretty good contacts, they’ll hook you up after the shift is done. Stay out of the ghetto. Quality stuff can be found around campus and won’t get you robbed. Stoneridge apartments as well.”
Gainesville, FL marijuana Prices:
hydro- 1/8 ounce $50
1 ounce $325- 400 depending on quality
We only smoke the best, low quality weed is hard to come by except for in the ghetto but you might get shot so stick to areas around the university.
and another report is: “gainesville green no more than $40 a quarter”
and also: “DIME($10) 20″S ($20) QUARTERS ($30-45)”
and :”Generally $50 1/8, $100 1/4. Some of the really good stuff will run closer to $60 for 1/8.”
Gainesville, FL marijuana brands: Haze
Local hippie strains are the best!
outdoor strain called micanopy madness, very potent