Colorado Springs, CO, Colorado
Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4.5
Legislation: Same as Boulder and Denver, thank god for Legalization legislation.
Possession of one ounce or less of marijuana is a petty offense. The offender receives a summons to appear in court, and upon a promise to appear in court, the offender is to be released from detention. The maximum penalty for a violation is $100. Failure to appear at the specified time and location results in the increase of the charges to a misdemeanor. Displaying or using the marijuana in public results in the added penalty of up to 15 days in jail. Possession of greater than one ounce is a misdemeanor, punishable by 6-18 months in jail and a fine of $500 – $5,000, plus a $600 surcharge. Possession of greater than 8 ounces of marijuana is a felony, punishable by 1 – 3 years in prison and a fine of $1,000 – $100,000 and a surcharge of $1,125. Generally, subsequent convictions of possession of over one ounce double the possible penalties.
another reporter added: “Colorado has had a medical marijuana law since June, 2001: ” Fifty-four percent of voters approved Amendment 20 on November 7, 2000, which amends the state’s constitution to recognize the medical use of marijuana. The law took effect on June 1, 2001. It removes state-level criminal penalties on the use, possession and cultivation of marijuana by patients who possess written documentation from their physician affirming that he or she suffers from a debilitating condition and advising that they “might benefit from the medical use of marijuana.” (Patients must possess this documentation prior to an arrest.) Patients diagnosed with the following illnesses are afforded legal protection under this act: cachexia; cancer; chronic pain; chronic nervous system disorders; epilepsy and other disorders characterized by seizures; glaucoma; HIV or AIDS; multiple sclerosis and other disorders characterized by muscle spasticity; and nausea. Other conditions are subject
to approval by the Colorado Board of Health. Patients (or their primary caregivers) may legally possess no more than two ounces of usable marijuana, and may cultivate no more than six marijuana plants. The law establishes a confidential state-run patient registry that issues identification cards to qualifying patients. Patients who do not join the registry or possess greater amounts of marijuana than allowed by law may argue the “affirmative defense of medical necessity” if they are arrested on marijuana charges.
Law enforcement: Minimal
Where to buy marijuana: The Campus of Colorado College is a great location to start. The college has a very strong reputation for ganja thanks to its hippie roots. You could wander downtown, but the further away from campus to stray the quality decreases.
Marijuana prices: Normally the price is $50 an 8th but it is not hard to find a $45 sack.
Marijuana brands: Most Popular is Hindu Kush, Trainwreck, Sour D, White Widow, and after spring break new brands will be hitting the campus is large numbers.