Cincinnati, OH, Ohio
Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 3
Legislation: Possession of less than 100 grams of marijuana is a citable offense only, with a fine of $100. Possession of 100 grams or more is punishable by a fine of up to $250. For possession of 200 grams or more, the penalty increases to a possible sentence of 6 months – one year in jail. Possession of 1,000 grams or more is punishable by 1 – 5 years in prison. Any possession of less than 5,000 grams does not carry the presumption of prison, which leaves available the possibility of probation. Possession of 5,000 grams of marijuana or more is punishable by 1 – 5 years in prison. For any amount or 20,000 grams or more the penalty increases to a mandatory minimum sentence of eight years in prison.
In the city of Cincinnati they recently passed a law that requires an arrest and up to 30 days for posession. In the rest of Ohio it is just a ticket. There is a sunset date sometime next year.
“March 29, 2007 – Cincinnati, OH: Members of the Cincinnati City Council voted 7-2 this week to make a provisional ordinance criminalizing minor marijuana possession offenses “indefinite,” despite the law’s apparent failure to show a demonstrable reduction in serious crime or so-called ‘drug tourism.’ The municipal ordinance, initially passed by the Council in March 2006, was slated to expire this week. Under the ordinance, marijuana offenders in Cincinnati face up to 30 days in jail, a $250 fine, and a criminal record for possessing small quantities of the drug. By contrast, under state law, possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana is punishable by a $100 citation and no jail time.” The rest of Ohio is unaffected.
“Under Ohio’s law, motorists with detectable levels of THC in the blood above 2 ng/ml or detectable levels of THC-COOH in the urine above 15 ng/ml are guilty of DUID. (Ohio Revised Code Annotated Section 4511.19, Amended by Senate Bill 8)
* If violated, a mandatory jail term of three consecutive days (seventy-two consecutive hours.) The court may sentence an offender to both an intervention program and a jail term. The court may impose a jail term in addition to the three-day mandatory jail term or intervention program. However, in no case shall the cumulative jail term imposed for the offense exceed six months.
* The court may suspend the execution of the three-day jail term under this division if the court, in lieu of that suspended term, places the offender under a community control sanction and requires the offender to attend, for three consecutive days, a drivers’ intervention program.
* License may be suspended from a definite period of six months to three years.”
Law Enforcement: Cops rarely go out of their way to try and bust pot smokers, and usually only hassle you if they smell it or have very good probable cause.
The cops arent that worried about marijuana use, as long as you arent being flagrant. I work downtown and I see people smoking on the streets fairly often.
another reporter added: “Cops in Cincinnati don’t really go out of the way to prosecute members of the cannabis crowd, but if they come across it while dealing with other violations, they will hold you responsible for it. Sometimes if it’s only a doober or two you might get away with them crunching it under their boots in the puddle.”
Where to buy marijuana in Cincinnati: In Cincinnati you pretty much HAVE to know somebody, there’s no place aside from Downtown(Over-the-Rhine and Surrounding Areas) where you can just walk up and ask anyone for bud. All of the dealers in the suburbs are paranoid and only deal with close friends.
another reporter noted: “I wouldnt recommend the Over the Rhine neighborhood for buying anything. It is a very dangerous place and you will probably be ripped off or robbed. If you don’t know anyone I would go to Bond Hill-Reading road, or the Northside. Just look for some of the boys hanging out on the corner.”
and also: “Getting ahold of cannabis in Cincinnati is hard unless you know somebody. Some would recommend Over-the-Rhine, however you are more likely to be robbed there – most of the people that go to the neighborhood are looking for heroin or crack. Stay out of Evanston and Lincoln Heights as well, safer neighborhoods include North College Hill, Bond Hill, and the area around the University of Cincinnati. There’s a head shop on Vine St., start your search around there.”
and also: “The easiest area to find weed is in Over-the-Rhine, specifically the area bound by South of Liberty St, North of Central Parkway, East of Elm St, and west of Sycamore St. This is a poor neighborhood with a high crime rate so be careful, don’t go after sundown, if possible do not go alone, do not wear expensive jewelry and do not have a lot of money on you. It will be difficult to acquire any weed of high quality here, for this you will probably need to know someone. This being said, there is a large number of legitimate dealers in this area, often standing on the corners, and you shouldn’t have to be walking for more than 10 minutes before someone approaches you. Be sure to specify that you are looking for weed as many of them are selling crack and heroin.
A safer area to look would be the area surrounding the University of Cincinnati north of downtown, an area known as Clifton. It will be more difficult, there will not be dealers standing on the corners or approaching you, but look for college students that look like potheads.
Another area to check is in Northside, Northwest of Clifton. Go West on Ludlow Ave from Clifton until it turns into Hamilton. The area with a lot of dealers is bond by East of Hamilton Ave, South of Pullan, North of Knowlton, and West of Dane. This area can be just as dangerous as Over-the-Rhine if not more, especially if you are white, so again be careful and do not go there after dark. This being said, it is almost a sure bet to see dealers standing on the corners here.”
Marijuana Prices in Cincinnati ohio:
For commercial- 20 1/8th 100 oz
Mids- 25-30 1/8 125 oz Sometimes there is some great Kentucky outdoor sold as mids
Beaster- 30-50 1/8th 250-300 oz Its BCs you know what the deal is
Headdies- 50 1/8th 350-400oz
and also: “Depending on who you know regs and mids go for $10–1.0 to 1.7 grams, $20–2.5 to 3.5 grams, $35-45–7.0 grams, $60-$70–14.0 grams, $110-$130–28.0 grams. Headies cost more, up to three hundred dollars per ounce of really, really dank, strain-named cannabis. (Very hard to reliably find here.)”
Brands: If you know the right people you can get some of the great ohio strains. Lemon G Dumpster and some dank ass Kentucky outdoor.
The most you’ll usually learn about the herb’s background is where it came from, i.e. by state or country. Doesn’t really get more specific than that most of the time, though many local dealers like to attach ridiculous names to beasters and sell it for way above value.
More information: Be careful around Cincinnati! You can spend up to thirty days in jail for possession of even a small amount, within city limits. Other than that just worry about being ticketed, as long as you don’t smoke in front of the police you’ll be fine. Also check out the half-dozen or so head shops around town.