Recife, Brazil
Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4
Legislation: Import, export, send, make, buy, sell, expose to sell, offer, prescript, keep […] or deal drugs, even if for free: 5 to 15 years of jail and R$ 500 to R$ 1500 fine.
Although pro-Marijuana campaigns are ongoing in Brazil, Marijuana is illegal in all Brazil, and so is any related action: smoking, cultivating, purchasing, etc. However, there is substituting mandatory rehabilitation for users.
Law Enforcement: Police are intolerant, but can be persuaded with a good incentive….
If the police catch you and you dont give them money. You will either be fined, arrested or spanked.
Most people wonder where the police are when their child has been shot . So when youre smoking a joint, smoke it in peace.
Where to Buy Marijuana in Recife:
Recife Antigo, Olinda, outside shows.
There’s a lot around, you just have to walk in the right direction.
Recife Marijuana Prices: a fair deal is 50 reais (around 23 dollars) for about 50 grams.
in the streets you can expect to pay 10 reais (4 dollars) for 4 rolled joints
Brands: Massa, bagulho, maconha, erva