Glasgow, Scotland
Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4
Legislation: drug use is not an offense in the United Kingdom, but possession and purchasing are illegal.
Latest updates: currently class B which is a shame cause it got moved down to C and against all scientific evidence and recomendations the goverment moved it back up to B.
Changes to the law: For supply, dealing, production (including cultivation) and trafficking The maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment. This has increased from 5 years for all class C substances including GHB and Valium.
For possession: The maximum penalty has been reduced from five years to two years imprisonment.
Possession – the law for adults: Most offenses of cannabis possession would result in a warning and confiscation of the drug. However if there are aggravating factors, such as smoking in a public place or repeat offending, they may be cause for arrest and prosecution.
Possession – the law for young people under 18 For a first offence of cannabis possession, young people under 18 will be arrested, taken to a police station and given a formal warning or reprimand. Further offences will lead to a final warning or charge.
Law Enforcement:
They mostly ignore the smoking going on blatantly around them unless there’s kids nearby or someone has complained
In practice, the courts usually impose a fine in cases involving cannabis products.
In October 2001, Scotland’s first Drug Court was established in Glasgow Sheriff Court. Its introduction followed the report of a Working Group on Piloting a Drug Court in Glasgow, which concluded that the establishment and operation of a Drug Court was feasible within the current legislation.The Pilot can only cater for 150 to 200 orders per annum and so there will be many people who might seem suitable but who cannot be accommodated. We cannot deal with every drug-related crime in Glasgow.
In order to limit numbers certain criteria must be met.
The offender must be over 21 and there must be an established relationship between a pattern of serious drug misuse and offending. We will not be dealing with first offenders. The nature of the drug misuse must be susceptible to treatment and cannabis abuse alone will not qualify.
No case on Indictment will be considered and the existence of outstanding matters on Petition will exclude an offender as will the existence of current Drug Treatment and Testing Orders from the High Court or Stipendiary Magistrate. Persons with a dual diagnosis of drug misuse and mental health problems will generally be excluded.
The “trigger” case ( which need not itself be drug-related ) must have started life in the Custody Court and must involve a substantive offence (not, for example, a failure to appear) committed after 15th October 2001 although if it fulfils these criteria other complaints can be rolled up and dealt with. Cases involving more than one accused will not be considered by the screening group before calling in the Custody Court but will thereafter be dealt with according to circumstances.
It is expected that most cases will proceed on the basis of Pleas of Guilty although we will not rule out referrals after trial and the manual deals with various alternative scenarios. It should be borne in mind, however, that international experience has shown that early intervention can be crucial and the longer the gap between the commission of the offence and the commencement of treatment the less likely it is that treatment will be successful.
The offender will normally have been identified as potentially suitable by the police, who will inform the dedicated member of the Procurator Fiscal’s staff. The defence agent may also alert the Fiscal to potential cases if the police have missed them. If the Fiscal agrees, she will convene a pre-court screening meeting with the offender’s solicitor, the police and representatives of the Social Work Department and if they agree and a suitable plea is negotiated then this will be intimated to the Custody Court Sheriff who will be invited to defer the case for a full assessment, including drug testing, for a period of four weeks to call before one of the Drug Court Sheriffs and to admit the offender to bail.
Whether or not the Sheriff agrees will be entirely a matter for him or her.
Assuming the case is so deferred it will call in the Drug Court where the full range of Summary sentencing options will be available.
Types of marijuana: Soap Bar, Bud, Weed, Hash.
Hash is much more common than grass, and usually has better quality. If you’re a grass fan, you will be able to find some White Widow ,Purple Haze,Buble gum, Mango if its growing its their, Glasgow has a variety of grasses ranging from pretty bad to amazing.
Hash is more hard to come by but when you find the person with it they always have it, its dear but worth it. its mostly Indian hash.
polm over hear is good its almost as well spread as soap bar.
plenty of good green, the hash like most in the U.K varies from home made (excellent) to soap bar (shite cut with everything from vetinary products to melted down records
Where to Buy Marijuana in Glasgow:Latest reports say “You can Marijuana in Kelvingrove park, many people smoke it there. Just ask for it, they wont bite you. If not, in Townhead near Buchana Bus Station, ask some neds, they’ll help you out. Please play it cool with them. Also in the Barras, the place is full of it….just ask around. You will probably smell it too. Good luck!”
You may ask around at of the city’s vivid nightclubs or nightly cafes.
even on the street ask most people and they will sort you out or know some one who can. Via good friends don’t buy from dealers in street as they are often very dangerous in Glasgow.
Glasgow Marijuana prices: £60 ounce
if not u can get it for £20 or £40 depending on the dealer
1/8 mid/high £25
city id:
Country: Scotland, United Kingdom
Time Zone: No UTC/GMT offset
Telephone Area Code: + 44 (U.K.) Area code: 141
webehigh city’s tale
Old men drinking whiskey by the bottle. Rowdy young men jostling each other in pubs. Women and children screaming obscenities during football games. These are some of the images once commonly associated with Glasgow.
But while there is some truth in the stereotypes, this Scottish city on the River Clyde has blossomed beyond its blue-collar roots to become one of the United Kingdom’s most popular party spots among students, travellers and stoners of every ilk.
Glasgow native Steven said that hash, which he has found for 10 British pounds ($14 American) per gram, is “much more popular than grass” because marijuana can be hard to find. “Generally hash is gotten from home-based dealers, but you can get it in some of the more in die and grunge scene bars/clubs,” he said.
Another source said he bought an eighth of an ounce of hash for 15 pounds ($21), noting that there is “plenty around if you know where to look” but “you never know if you’re getting the right weight.” But visitors should be warned that Scottish police are not a tolerant lot when it comes to controlled substances.
“One of the central planks of our drugs strategy is cutting availability of drugs in Scotland,” said Deputy Justice Minister Angus MacKay. Marijuana legalization group NORML said drug use is not an offence in the United Kingdom, but possession and purchasing are illegal. “Cannabis and cannabis resin are grouped into [legal] Category B. The penalty for possession and/or acquisition of a Category B substance is a summary offences of six months imprisonment and/or a fine,” NORML said. “In practice, the courts usually impose a fine in cases involving cannabis products.”
Chief Constable John Orr of the Strathclyde Police, the law enforcement body in Glasgow, was unequivocal in his view on dealers and the drug trade. “There will be no respite in our pursuit of you and your activities,” he said. “You are being sought and you will be caught.”
Steven noted that, except at certain times, public smoking is not advised. “If the cops see you chances are you will be busted, unless you happen to be at a festival such as Glasgow Gig on the Green or T in the Park,” Steven said, referring to a pair of annual concerts. “Cops are much more laid back at these things and don’t bother you at all.” He said the authorities also loosen up considerably around Hogmanay, the Scottish term for New Year’s Eve. “Anything goes at this time,” he said, suggesting visitors join the thousands of revellers who count down the year’s final minutes on George Square.
But visitors don’t have to schedule their trip around a holiday. With its numerous pubs and clubs, Glasgow is a year-round party. Steven said King Tut’s Wahwah Hut is a great spot for
live music and friendly to stoners. “Many big bands have played here and many more have
started their career here. It is quite small but very cool and attitudes to hash in here are pretty
relaxed,” he said, noting that the regulars are open to soft drugs but ultimately loyal to Scotland’s traditional intoxicant. “Of course alcohol is the mainstay and Tennents Lager tends to be the choice of the masses.”
Mark, who also lives in Glasgow, made numerous nightlife recommendations including Planet Peach and Archaos on Queen Street, Glasgow School of Art’s club on Renfrew Street, The Arches on Midland Street, Cathouse on Union Street, Nice ‘N’ Sleazy on Sauchiehall Street and 13th Note Café on King Street. “I highly recommend buying a copy of The List,” Mark said. “It is a fortnightly publication featuring everything that goes on every night of the week at every club in both Glasgow and Edinburgh. It’s available from any news agent or any place where magazines are sold.”
The Tunnel off Argle Street is one of Glasgow’s best dance clubs while Bier Halle Republic on Gordon Street has over 160 beers. Waxy O’Connors on West George Street offers six different bars inside a complex of halls and stairways that could simultaneously confuse and entertain those under the influence. For late-night munchies and pints try Cafe 24-7 on Sauchiehall Street. Several locals suggested Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Strathclyde University Student Union on John Street for its cheap drinks and lively collegiate atmosphere.
The students could also be a source of information on where to find soft drugs. “With five bars and an extra dance floor on Saturday night, there is something for everyone,” said Karen, a Strathclyde student. She added that visitors should also try a club called The Garage because “the music is really cheesy, the atmosphere is booming, the drinks are cheap.”